Wednesday 21 January 2009

Agent: Friend & Johnson

American agents who represent 8 illustrators ( including Jill Calder, Ann Field & Paul Wearing) & 12 photographers. Offices in New York, Chicago, San Francisco & Texas. Jill Calder involved with advertising for entire New Yorker magazine in April 07.
"JILL CALDER'S WHIMSICAL ILLUSTRATION TAKES OVER THE NEW YORKER MAGAZINEThe April 16, 2007 issue of the New Yorker magazine featured Jill's work in a narrative series of ads. Annually, The New Yorker allows a client to take over all the advertising in the magazine. This year, it was Mass Mutual Financial Group. And although The New Yorker selected about 40 illustrators for this client and their ad agency (Mullen) to choose from, they eventually chose just one illustrator to get the entire job done and that is our very own Jill Calder!" (Friend & Johnson website Jan09)

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