Friday, 27 June 2014

A townie's trip to the Cheshire Show

I had a townie's trip to the Cheshire Show last week. 

Middle-whites & Saddleback pigs, Shirehorses

I was fascinated by the judging of the farm animal breeds. The shire horses looked magnificent with their rosettes, plaited manes and well-groomed hair, while the shire foals were all legs and tiny curls. The Jersey cows were surprisingly bony, but their udders were very full. The Saddleback pigs and Middle-whites were being guided around a small ring with the curved end of a walking stick, and a big board was  used to block them from going the wrong way. Suddenly, it was all action in the neighbouring ring, when a large male duroc pig reared up against its handlers! This breed has long legs and looks quite fearsome. Afterwards, the judge made hand gestures suggesting the pig was only fit for slaughter, so no rosettes for him.
Suffolk & Jacobs sheep, Jersey cows

It was very calm in comparison in the sheep rings. The black-faced Suffolk and Jacob's sheep were waiting patiently while they were examined by the judges. They looked very neat and chunky with their close-textured wool. But it was the black and white Alpine English dairy kids that I fell in love with, with their way of half-climbing up the bars to get a better look at each other and any passers by.

Here are some of my sketches of my favourite characters.
Alpine English

Monday, 23 June 2014

Exhibition at Arison Gallery

An exhibition of my work starts tomorrow at Arison Gallery in Chorlton (512 Wilbraham Rd) and runs until 19th July. It is a joint exhibition with Sue L Scott, who is also exhibiting local scenes.
The Meet the Artists evening is on 7th July, 6-8pm.
Arison Gallery in shop window at Arison Gallery


Beech Road original above arch

images by Sue Scott above table

I have a new batch of mugs with local scenes for sale in the gallery, too.
Hope you can visit!

mmu degree show

Some gorgeous work that really caught my eye!


Becca Hall

Charlotte Cotterill

Steph Coathupe

Jessica Ip

Kristapps Butlers
Fine art.
Alison White
Phoebe Mills

David Hickling
Aimee Barrow

Aimee Barrow

Aimee Barrow
Clare Florey Hitchcox

Clare Florey Hitchcox

Clare Florey Hitchcox

Also some super images at Stockport College Illustration Travelling Show last week at NQ2022 in Manchester.

Celia Hume
Catherine McConnell

Emma Johnson

Thursday, 5 June 2014

More mugs

I have a new batch of mugs with local scenes, and some new designs, too - The Meade, Green Walk, Wilbraham Road, St Ann's Square and Manchester City Parade 2014.
Also some more of Beech Road, Chorlton Green and Chorlton Library (centenary this year!)
Local scenes available from Hurricane on Beech Road, Chorlton (or contact me). £10 each.
Manchester City Parade 2014 available from Grumpy pop-up shop, Brazenose Street, Manchester (open wed-fri 12-5pm) from next week.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Wilbraham Road, Chorlton

A new limited edition print of the block of shops on Wilbraham Road that includes Chorlton Bookshop, Croma, Arison gallery/hairdresser, Fred's, Tiny Tipple, Mahbub, Yeopan's, P & H Farrell and Chorlton Off-Licence and Junipers cafe.

To be part of my forthcoming exhibition at Arison gallery from 24rd June to 12th July, held jointly with
Sue L Scott.